(Tournament pre-announcement) V:TES Weekend, Utrecht

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(Tournament pre-announcement) V:TES Weekend, Utrecht

Post by extrala »

Emiliano (der niederländische) Italiener zieht demnächst nach Wales um, und möchte aus dem Anlass ein VtES-Weekend in Utrecht veranstalten. Leider ist das terminlich so gelegt, dass es an dem Wochenende stattfindet, an der auch die Spielemesse in Essen ist. :(

Emiliano hat inzwischen auch eine Webseite für die Anmeldung/Information/etc eingerichtet, die unter http://www.phys.uu.nl/~imeroni/vtesweekend.html zu finden ist.
Newsgroups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad
From: "Emiliano Imeroni" <emiliano.imer...@gmail.com>
Date: 14 Sep 2005 02:48:59 -0700
Local: Wed, Sep 14 2005 11:48 am
Subject: (Tournament pre-announcement) V:TES Weekend, Utrecht October 15-16

Dear all,

After two years, at the end of October I will leave the Netherlands.

It has been great to be part of the Vampire playgroup in Utrecht,
and I would like to have a sort of "farewell weekend" to meet
once more all the nice people from the Netherlands, Germany
and Belgium who use to play in Dutch tournaments.

Therefore, I propose to hold a "V:TES Weekend" in Utrecht,
on October 15-16, 2005.

It will be a great occasion to cool down after the German
Championship, and to warm up for the European Championship
(both events, alas, I can't participate to)!


More precisely, the program will be:

*** Saturday 15/10 ***
Storyline Tournament: "The Return of Nergal"

This is the new WW storyline event. You can read the rules
at http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/?line=news&articleid=289
(I strongly encourage you not to read the spoilers - I won't).

*** Sunday 16/10 ***
Constructed Tournament: "The Stranger Among Us (is leaving)"

A standard 3R+F constructed tournament.


Everyone interested is kindly asked to pre-register
as soon as possible by sending me an email at:
E (dot) Imeroni (at) phys (dot) uu (dot) nl

Pre-registration is very crucial this time, since I
must have a precise idea of how many people will attend each day
in order to have adequate prize support and, above all,
to look for a suitable location.

In fact, our usual location, "The Shelter", is not appropriate
for an event hosting more than 20-25 players, but finding a
better, bigger location turns out to be much more difficult
(and expensive) than expected. However, if there is a sufficient
amount of participants I might afford a more expensive place,
so, again, please let me know as soon as possible if you are

Of course, it would be great if many people could attend
both events, on saturday and sunday. If you plan to stay overnight,
cheap accommodation (about 20-25 euros/night) can be found at one of
the following hostels (I haven't checked availability yet):

B&B Utrecht ( http://www.hostelutrecht.nl/ )

Stayokay Bunnik (
http://www.stayokay.com/index.cfm?fusea ... HomeHB&id=...

Both places offer beds and private rooms at reasonable prices. The
first is in town, while the second is about 5 km from the center.

Another option is to try and write to me to see if one of the
local players can provide some place in his house. For instance,
I can host (uncomfortably) 1-2 people in my (very small) flat.


Well, I think this is all for now. Stay tuned for news
about the location, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you
Dutch, German and Belgian players, as well as anyone else, at
my last tournament in the Netherlands!!

(future-ex-primogen of Utrecht)

Luck is not a factor.
Hope is not a strategy.
Fear is not an option.
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