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Ignore the Burst...

Posted: 28 Feb 2010, 11:37
by Nordlicht76
Folgende Situation:
Ich spiele als Strike einen Burst of Sunlight
[tha] Strike: 1R aggravated damage. This striking vampire also takes 1 aggravated damage.
[THA] Strike: 2R aggravated damage. This striking vampire also takes 2 aggravated damage.
Dann noch einen Ignore the Searing Flames
[ser] This vampire treats all aggravated damage from the opposing minion's strike as normal damage. Only usable when the opposing minion inflicts aggravated damage on this vampire.
[dai] Prevent all aggravated damage from the opposing minion's strike.
[DAI] This vampire burns 1 blood to be immune to aggravated damage for the remainder of the round.
Damit sollte ich dann (ich spiele es auf THA bzw DAI) 1 Blut burnen und dann interessiert mich das aggravated nicht, oder?

Posted: 28 Feb 2010, 11:46
by Pyro